Huajatolla Heritage

Honoring Diversity through Art, Education, and Presentation

The Huajatolla Heritage Foundation (HHF), founded in 2018, is a 501(c)3 based in Huerfano County.

The HHF was founded as a platform to recognize and promote cultural equity in Huerfano County with a focus on the arts, weaves together the rich tapestry of cultures and stories, creating a lasting legacy of our area.

We value and nurture our relationships with libraries, museums, other organizations, and schools, developing projects that are truly of the people.

Recognizing the importance and diversity of the people of Huerfano County and their myriad cultural contributions is the foundation upon which a respectful society is built.

This recognition is long overdue in Huerfano County. Thanks to the generous funding and meaningful collaborations, we have become a vital contributor to honoring Huerfano County's rich history and presenting programs and events that enrich our cultural heritage and contribute significantly to our county's economy.

"Investments in arts and culture reap benefits far beyond what was once thought. Research and real-world examples demonstrate the myriad ways that arts and culture strengthen individuals and communities. This collaborative, integrated approach to health requires artists, designers, culture bearers, community members, and government to come together to advance local goals, to recognize opportunities where the arts can make a difference, and to consider the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole." -NEA